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신원삼 초대전: Blue Cloud

Won-Sam Shin Exhibition

2013. 11. 01 - 2013. 11. 14

강승희 초대전: Panopticon

Seung-Hee Kang Exhibition

2013. 10. 16 - 2013. 10. 29

이지영 초대전: 검은 인물원

Ji-Young Lee Exhibition: Black People circle

2013. 08. 27 - 2013. 09. 16

사윤택 초대전: Memento moment​

Yun-Taek Sa Exhibition

2013. 08. 06 - 2013. 08. 22

권소영 초대전: 유심히 보다

So-Young Kwon Exhibition: Look at closely

2013. 07. 16 - 2013. 07. 31

​이현열 초대전: 유심히 보다

Hyun-Yeol Lee Exhibition: Look at closely

2013. 07. 16 - 2013. 07. 31

진형주 초대전: 유심히 보다

Hyoung-Joo Jin Exhibition: Look at closely

2013. 07. 16 - 2013. 07. 31

김지선 초대전: A DOT

Ji-Sun Kim Exhibition

2013. 05. 28 - 2013. 06. 12

김양희 초대전: ​​혜원 - 春風에 거닐다

Yang-Hee Kim Exhibition:
HyeWon - Walk in the spring breeze

2013. 05. 08 - 2013. 06. 23

박상희 초대전: ​Untitled

Sang-Hee Park Exhibition

2013. 04. 17 - 2013. 05. 02

윤예제 초대전: ​심연의 숲

Ye-Je Yoon Exhibition: Abyss Forest

2013. 04. 17 - 2013. 05. 02

홍수정 초대전: ​님프를 찾아서

Su-Jung Hong Exhibition: Find the nymph

2013. 04. 17 - 2013. 05. 02

엄정호,이상효 2인 초대전: ​2人2色

Jungho Uhm, Sang-Hyo Lee Group Exhibition

2013. 03. 28 - 2013. 04. 12

2013 신 새김전: Neo - Inscription

2013 Artists Upbringing Project

2013. 02. 14 - 2013. 02. 28

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