돌 이야기전: 돌조각의 맛과 멋
Stone story exhibition: Taste and style of stone
2011. 12. 07 - 2011. 12. 27
2011 유망작가전: 다색다감
2011 Prospective Artist Exhibition: Many colors, many feel
2011. 11. 17 - 2011. 11. 30
이유성 초대전: Seeing the unicorn - cycle, healing
Yu-Sung Lee Exhibition
2011. 11. 03 - 2011. 11. 15
오영 초대전: 보이는 것과 보이지 않는 것
Young-Oh Exhibition: Visible and Invisible
2011. 11. 02 - 2011. 11. 15
임성수 초대전: Monad - Manual for instability
Sung-Soo Lim Exhibition
2011. 10. 14 - 2011. 10. 27
최지훈 초대전: Ctrl C + Ctrl V
Ji-Hun Choi Exhibition
2011. 09. 29 - 2011. 10. 12
층별 초대전: 김양희, 도나정, 엄정호
Individual Exhibition: Yang-Hee Kim, Na-Zung Do, Jung-Ho Ohm
2011. 08. 25 - 2011. 09. 07
2011 신 새김전: Neo-Inscription Part 1
Artists Upbringing Project Part 1
2011. 08. 05 - 2011. 08. 20
Object, Object, Object
2011. 07. 08 - 2011. 07. 20
2011. 06. 22 - 2011. 07. 05
Seung-Min Oh Exhibition
2011. 06. 02 - 2011. 06. 19
김일동 초대전: 달려~! 코인맨
IL-Dong Kim Exhibition: Run~! Coin man
2011. 05. 18 - 2011. 05. 31
김홍석 초대전: WHO ARE U, WHO M I
Hong-Seok Kim Exhibition
2011. 05. 18 - 2011. 05. 31
허용성 초대전: marmottet
Yong-Sung Her Exhibition
2011. 04. 29 - 2011. 05. 12
이윤우 초대전: 재구성
Youn-Woo Lee Exhibition: Reconstitution
2011. 04. 15 - 2011. 04. 27
윤세열 초대전: 산수-재개발된 도시풍경
Se-Yeol Yoon Exhibition:
Mountain Water - Redeveloped urban landscape
2011. 04. 14 - 2011. 04. 27
김해옥 초대전: MIRAGE
Hae-Ok Kim Exhibition
2011. 03. 30 - 2011. 04. 12
권소영, 양승원 2인 초대전: Landscape
So-Young Kwon, Seung-Won Yang Group Exhibition
2011. 02. 10 - 2011. 02. 25
김썽정, 노준, 찰스장 3인 초대전: POP IN H! HOT! HOT! HOT!
SSung-Jung Kim, Jun Noh, Charles Jang Group Exhibition
2011. 01. 12 - 2011. 01. 27